Jurnaliștii Elena Stancu și Cosmin Bumbuț (Teleleu.eu) călătoresc de șase ani cu autorulota prin Europa și documentează comunitățile de români din diaspora. De aceste sărbători de iarnă, au vorbit cu românii din Forli, Italia. Aceasta…
The text tells the story of Father Florin Haniş, an Orthodox priest who built a Romanian community in Forlì, Italy, after being told by his church hierarchy he was on his own.
The main conceptual idea is the resilience and resourcefulness of Romanian communities in the diaspora, exemplified by Father Haniş's efforts to establish and support a community in a new country despite limited resources and initial lack of support from the Romanian church.
It also touches on the impactful work of journalists Elena Stancu and Cosmin Bumbuț who document the lives of these diaspora communities.
The text tells the story of Father Florin Haniş, an Orthodox priest who built a Romanian community in Forlì, Italy, after being told by his church hierarchy he was on his own. The main conceptual idea is the resilience and resourcefulness of Romanian communities in the diaspora, exemplified by Father Haniş's efforts to establish and support a community in a new country despite limited resources and initial lack of support from the Romanian church. It also touches on the impactful work of journalists Elena Stancu and Cosmin Bumbuț who document the lives of these diaspora communities.